CP E.P.E. is a state-owned company owned 100% by the Portuguese government.
As an active player in society, CP contributes towards the country’s development and cohesion through its commercial activity.
CP carried more than 173.2 million passengers in 2023. It operates in almost the entire country and is Portugal’s largest land transport operator.
CP – Comboios de Portugal, E.P.E.
Calçada do Duque, nº 20
1249 – 109 Lisboa
Tax number: 500 498 601
Statutory Capital €212.635.680,46
CP as a national leader in integrated mobility - simple, personal and sustainable.
Connecting people and communities sustainably by rail-based transport.
CP Team
Assuming its commitment to best practices and international standards, CP has defined its ‘Management Systems Policy’ as a global framework for its quality, environmental, safety*, innovation and asset management systems, as well as rolling stock maintenance (ERM), in conjunction with the safety management system (SGS) and the people management system.
In strict alignment with our Mission and Vision and aware of our corporate and social responsibility, we endeavour to meet our customers's, employees and partners's expecttions through a culture of innovation, sustainability and continuous improvement.
See CP's managenent system policy here. (Portuguese only)
Find out more about CP's Management Systems
Know the CP governance model.
CP has undergone a profound transformation to adapt to the market, its new business and the challenges resulting from the incorporation of EMEF. The EMEF merger required the company's areas to be reorganised so as to strengthen its operational and functional capacity. This has led to gains in quality, efficiency and rationality, and a better allocation of resources and skills. The structure is now more agile and robust.
The focus of CP's activity is and will always be its commitment to passengers, who we seek to serve better every day. We rely on the active and indispensable involvement of the entire organisation in the pursuit of greater competitiveness and sustainability. We are firmly committed to a renewed business culture to serve the community.
The 2022-2030 Strategic Plan aims to guide, focus, align and mobilise the entire Company to surpass present and future challenges. It is based on ten strategic objectives that will ensure the economic, social and environmental sustainability of the country:
1. To prepare CP for a new public service obligation contract;
2. To recover CP economically and financially and expand;
3. To anticipate and lead high speed;
4. To reformulate and modernise the services, taking advantage of the new railway geography;
5. To improve passengers’ experience in a new context of mobility;
6. To increase the efficiency, safety and sustainability of processes;
7. To mobilise, up-skill and rejuvenate the teams;
8. To upgrade systems and digitally transform CP;
9. To innovate in order to modernise CP;
10. To lead green mobility and strengthen CP's social commitments.
Our commitment is to strengthen and improve our relationship with all stakeholders and ensure CP is one of the leading players in national mobility.
59,6 Million (€)
Online sales
2,221 Km
Rail network
173,2 Million
Passengers a year
Over 167
Years of experience