Multibanco (ATM) sales suspended
Given the impossibility of printing the QR Code, under the legal obligation set out in Decree 195/2020 of 13 August, on receipts and relevant tax documents issued at ATM terminals, CP is forced to suspend the sale of its tickets for Alfa Pendular and Intercity services from ATMs as from 01/01/2022.
Customers have the following means of buying their tickets:
- CP App;
- CP Online Ticket Office;
- CP Ticket Offices;
- Customer care line - 808 109 110 (cost of a call to the national fixed network);
- Duly accredited travel agencies.
We apologise for the inconvenience and are at your disposal for any clarification through the customer care Line - 808 109 110 (cost of a call to the national fixed network), Customer Support Offices and CP Ticket Offices.