Engineering works on the Marco de Canaveses line mean there will be a replacement bus service for the following trains:
Train | From | To | Dates | Replacement bus service between: |
15553* | Porto São Bento 23:30 | Marco de Canaveses 00:50 |
11 to 15 February |
Caíde and Marco de Canaveses |
15501 | Porto São Bento 00:45 | Marco de Canaveses 01:51 | ||
15500 |
Marco de Canaveses |
Porto São Bento |
Marco de Canaveses and Caíde |
(*) - Train leaving Porto São Bento at 23:30 from 10 to 14 February (Monday to Friday).
See the bus stops and times:
The replacement bus service cannot carry wheelchairs or bicycles. Small pets can be taken if the animal is in an appropriate container that can be carried as hand luggage.