Hotel da Música and Star Inn Hotel

Add to your train journey with our partners in Porto.

To take advantage of the hotel discounts, all you have to do is have an Alfa Pendular, Intercidades, Celta, Regional or InterRegional ticket with a travel date 3 days before or after the hotel check-in date.


CP Services: Alfa Pendular | Intercidades | Regional and InterRegional

You can choose to stay in one of the group's hotels in Portugal, with three or five star accommodation with 15% off the best price of the day (Cannot be used in conjunction with other special offers or discounts). Hotel da Música includes breakfast.

  • Hotel da Música do Porto
  • Hotel Star Inn Porto

Contacts fo bookings (Subject to availability)

Business days 9:30 to 18:30.

Advise the hotel you are booking under the CP partnership.

Hotel da Música (Porto):
Contact: +351 226 076 000

Hotel Star Inn (Porto):
Contact: +351 228 347 000